Conference on Specific Plan for Implementation of the INSPIRE Directive held

During the two years of implementation of the project "EU for Better Environment", the Specific Plan for Implementation of the INSPIRE Directive identified the requirements of the INSPIRE Directive, determined gaps between the current and desired situation regarding the implementation of the Directive and measures to eliminate them, clearly defined implementation activities and financial framework for their implementation. Numerous institutions and organizations which have certain competencies for the implementation of the provisions of the INSPIRE Directive, actively contributed to the development of the DSIP document and also supported the work of the Project's expert team.

The DSIP document covers six chapters: the requirements of the INSPIRE Directive, the current state within Serbia, the assessment of the gaps, the implementation plan, the financial assessment and the provisions related to negotiations with the EU. The final event of the project activity that was held as hybrid conference on 1 December 2021 was an opportunity to summarize the results achieved and consider the next steps for the full implementation of the INSPIRE Directive in Serbia, with the participation of key institutions’ representatives involved in this process and the sector of horizontal issues.

Institutional cooperation – key of success in Directive drafting and implementation

On this occasion Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Environmental Protection Aleksandra Imširagić Đurić, as project national director stated: “This project has numerous results that are now visible. Among other things, in addition to the Specific Plan for Implementation of the INSPIRE Directive, we have the first national draft Programme of Air Protection of the Republic of Serbia for the period from 2022 to 2030 with the Action Plan. For the drafting this DSIP, a working group has been formed under the authority of the Republic Geodetic Institute, which included 26 members of interested institutions and organisations that play a key role in implementing this Directive. Members of the working group had the opportunity to comment the contents of the chapter, and the final text always went for the approval to the working group members. The final document is considered a common position of all institutions responsible for this part of implementation”. 

Importance of cooperation of all interested institutions emphasized also Darko Vučetić, Head of the Center for Geospatial Data Management from Republic Geodetic Authority, the key coordination institution for INSPIRE Directive in Serbia. 

"I especially thank the Ministry of Environmental Protection, which in the process of drafting has given us great logistical and professional support over the past nearly 3 years. We have been fortunate and honored to co-operate with the major experts in this field engaged in the project. The result of the project is important for us because it provides clear guidelines in the implementation of this Directive. Co-operation between institutions has been recognised from the beginning as one of the most important factors”, acknowledged Vučetić adding that implementing INSPIRE Directive demonstrates reform of the Republic Geodetic Authority, especially in the land administration segment, which is a difficult process, but certainly easier with the support of other institutions, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and the DSIP document that gives a financial framework and action plan how to move forward.

INSPIRE Directive – foundation for green and digital transformation of Serbia

As drafting of INSPIRE Directive has been implemented within EU-funded project “EU for Better Environment” Antoine Avignon, Programme Manager responsible for Environment and Climate Change in EU Delegation in Serbia noted that data is absolutely essential to the digital transformation of European societies and economies, as European Commission believes that green and digital transformation comes together. Avignon emphasized that INSPIRE Directive is at the crossroad, as adoption of the INSPIRE Directive happened 15 years ago entering at the moment the new milestone phase. As explained, recently the Commission focused on green and digital transformation holding the potential to turn INSPIRE infrastructure to real tool for the successful sharing of ambiental data in Europe. Green open data is an essential resource to meet the objectives of EU Green Deal and Green Agenda for the Western Balkans. Data enabled environment-friendly energy and transport systems, as well as green and sustainable cities. 

“Data-driven innovations are key building block of EU Green Deal and with new digital technologies it would lay the foundation for intended sustainability transformations. INSPIRE Directive is complex and contains different implementation activities which implies its full transposition. The focus of Directives is geospatial data produce by various institutions with Republic Geodetic Authority as the main institution for coordination and implementation. Other institutions will join INSPIRE platform recognizing the importance of creating open-data sharing basis. INSPIRE Directive is solid foundation for building green and digital transformation in Serbia”, concluded Programme Manager responsible for Environment and Climate Change in EU Delegation in Serbia.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09