On May 29th, in the town square in Šabac, another promotion of the Project for Household Waste Separation was organized. The youngest fellow citizens participated in the presentation of the project and eco games.

First, second and third grade students of "Laza K. Lazarević" Elementary School competed in relay games, and students of class I-3, "Janko Veselinović" Elementary School presented their art works. An eco workshop for the youngest elementary school students was also implemented as a form of education about the advantages of waste separation, recycling and environmental protection.

"We contribute to the project in a different way through the workshop of transforming secondary raw materials into useful objects." I think that education about the importance of environmental protection should start from the earliest age," explained Ljubica Simić, a teacher from Elementary School "Janko Veselinović".

As they pointed out from PUC "Stari grad" so far, 5300 waste separation bins have been distributed and the distribution of bins continues."We want to thank the citizens for their responsibility and understanding of the importance of waste separation. This is a very important project for Šabac as a city and for all of us, and I would ask all fellow citizens who have not collected the bins to contact us in order to collect them. They can come to the premises of PUC "Stari grad" in Dalmatinska street every working day from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.," said the executive director of PUC "Stari grad" Nikola Begović.

The "O-DVA-JA-MO" project is implemented in 17 municipalities in Serbia with the support of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia, the European Union and the Embassy of Sweden. The goal of the project is to recycle part of the waste generated in households, in order to reduce the amount that ends up in landfills and increase the recycling rate in these municipalities to 15%.

The Waste Management Program in Serbia 2022-2031, adopted by the Government of Serbia as part of EU accession, aims to improve the municipal waste management system through an increased rate of recycling, reduced disposal of biodegradable waste in landfills and reduced disposal of waste in unhygienic landfills.

Now everyone can separate waste fast and easily!

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09