All Sectors Included - Horizontal project activity

About Sector

Horizontal-oriented projects are cross-sectorial in their scope focusing on strengthening the institutional, administrative and legislative framework capacities for the efficient carrying out of accession negotiations. The specific objectives these projects is to support the Serbian administration to effectively meet the requirements and conditions deriving from the accession negotiations and successfully manage overall EU integration and pre-accession assistance geared toward EU membership. Besides focusing on administration, goal is building a support of Serbian citizens towards accession negotiations and entering the EU.

In Serbia, some of horizontal- and cross-sectorial projects include:

  • IPA Visibility And Communication Project - Improve visibility and communication about EU support to Serbia through three channels: strengthen the capacity of civil servants in charge of communication about EU funds (IPA Visibility Officers). The second is the implementation of new strategic communication frameworks on IPA programs, the third is the creation and implementation of integrated communication campaigns on IPA programs through sectoral support.
  • EUINFONET - Communication hub that informs citizens about Serbia's European integration and assists the EU Delegation in Serbia in public relations. It is also a place for getting relevant information on all current topics related to the EU or participate in a large number of events EUIC in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš (making EUINFONET network) organize or support.
  • Development of System for Management of Cohesion Policy (IPA 2015) - Main purpose is to enhance capacities in Serbian institutions at the national and sub-national levels for effective preparation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of programs and projects financed through structural funds and the Cohesion Fund.
  • Project Preparation Facilities (PPF) - Represents technical (expertise) assistance the aim of which is to strengthen technical and administrative capacities of the administration of Serbia with regard to the management and use of EU funds. Three projects are ongoing: PPF6 refers to the preparation of infrastructure projects in the sectors of energy and environmental protection financed from EU funds. PPF7 refers to the support to the administration related to planning, programming and monitoring of EU assistance through preparation of strategic and operational documents, and technical documentation for projects in the sectors of transport, environmental protection, energy and business infrastructure. PPF8 refers to the preparation of infrastructure projects in the sectors of transport and environmental protection.
  • Policy and Legal Advice Centre (PLAC) - Focuses on legal assistance, through amending the legislation in the process of harmonising the national laws with the EU legislation.
  • Support to public administration reform in Serbia – Covering the entire area of public administration reform (more information available here)
  • EU PRO, as successor of European Progress (IPA 2013) – Focus is on socio-economic development of Western Serbia and Šumadija and Eastern and Southern Serbia with a total of 99 cities and municipalities. Support is provided for competitiveness of newly-formed or existing enterprises by increasing their productivity. Further, infrastructure development of local self-governments through the funds for project-technical documentation, and the reconstruction of business areas that should attract investors. Final, there is social component of reconstruction of schools, kindergartens, health centres etc., and the projects that contribute to the progress of inter-ethnic relations at the local level.
  • Project “Support to Participation in EU programmes” – Improve EU Programmes fund absorption by ensuring the sufficient number of qualified experts and competent civil servants to work on the on the implementation of projects.  

More information about those and other horizontal-oriented projects you can find here 

Last updated: March 12, 2025, 11:32