Technical Assistance for Refurbishment and improved safety conditions of Children playgrounds

Information on the project

The project includes technical aid to the contracting authority (the Ministry of Finance), that is the development of the design, preparation of the tender documentation, the surveillance service during the reconstruction of 27 children playgrounds in 11 cities/municipalities in Serbia, and is financed by the European Union via the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance IPA 2014.

The Ministry of Finance is managing the project, and the beneficiary is the Ministry for Youth and Sport of the Republic of Serbia. More than EUR 1 million will be invested in the reconstruction of the before mentioned 27 playgrounds.

All the reconstructed playgrounds have been designed and will be fitted with the equipment which is meeting the existing security standards for playgrounds which are in effect in the European Union, as well as in the Republic of Serbia.
Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09