Support to Preschool Education System Reform in Serbia (SUPER)

Promotion of Preschool on Local Level

Promotion of Preschool on Local Level

Following the adoption of the Strategies for improvement of preschool education, the preschool institutions and local self-governments organized promotions in their communities during June 2021.The…

Training of Mentors for WANDA Method

Training of Mentors for WANDA Method

The first three-day training of mentors "Developing practice through joint reflection (training of mentors for the WANDA method)" was held in a digital environment via…

Join Work on Preschool Education Promotion

Join Work on Preschool Education Promotion

Working meetings with the representatives of the local self-governments and preschool institutions involved in the SUPER project were held 11-13 May 2021. The importance of…

Story about Kindergarten from Alibunar

Story about Kindergarten from Alibunar

In the “Stories from Serbia”, an overview of some of the successful examples of European Union assistance to Serbia, the Preschool Institution “Poleterac” from Alibunar…

Kindergartens for all Children

Kindergartens for all Children

With the support of the SUPER project, 25 Local Self-Governments have so far adopted the Strategies for Improvement of Preschool Education. These documents define the…

Children Works on New Year’s Cards

Children Works on New Year’s Cards

Preschool institutions involved in the SUPER project participated in the campaign "Education is important" which was successfully completed on December 21, 2020. Among tens of…

Trainings for Preschool Teachers completed

Trainings for Preschool Teachers completed

Around 1300 preschool teachers from 50 preschool institutions attended 44 workshops on “Inspirational environment for integrated learning “. First round of trainings has been held…

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09