Support to IPARD Operating Structure (Managing Authority, IPARD Agency and Advisory Services)

The aim of the project, which is funded by the European Union (EU), is to strengthen the institutional capacity of the competent authorities - Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Managing Authority (Sector for Rural Development), Agrarian Payments Directorate (IPARD Agency) and Advisory Services, to implement the IPARD II programme, which represents an instrument of pre-accession assistance in the field of rural development for 2014-2020.

Within the project, the following activities were organized:

• Support in the final phase of accreditation of IPARD II measure 1 (Investments in physical assets of agricultural holdings) and measure 3 (Investments in physical assets related to processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products) as well as support in the preparation of the second accreditation package for implementation of IPARD II measure 7 (Diversification of agricultural holdings and business development) and measure 9 (Technical assistance).

• Development of IT systems for authorization and control of requests, authorization and control of payments, reporting and document management within the IPARD II program as the basis for sound financial management and future integrated administration and control system.

• Conducting training of employees in the Managing Authority, Directorate for Agricultural Payments, the Agricultural Advisory Service and other institutions with the aim of strengthening professional capacities in the implementation of IPARD II programmes, with over 900 participants

• 9 IPARD information days were organized (Belgrade, Leskovac, Zajecar, Kragujevac, Sabac, Zrenjanin, Subotica, Kraljevo and Valjevo) on the submission of requirements, rules and conditions that potential beneficiaries must fulfil in order to be eligible for IPARD approval and prepared informative materials (leaflets, brochures, guides).

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09