Strengthening and Supporting Sustainable Return

The project addresses the priority needs of the IDPs in Serbia through the provision of needed support in the preparation stages of their return process as well as during return. The project is funded by the European Union through the EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia and it is being implemented in close cooperation with the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Commissariat for Refugees and Migration, municipalities Serbia wise and other relevant stakeholders.

The implementing partner on the project are the City of Kragujevac and CSOs Bozur and Sveti Spas. The project works in a synergy with other projects funded by the EU and other donors working in the same sector or providing complementary assistance solutions. The project is also being implemented with the technical support of the Project Monitoring Unit.

Estimated results of the project:

1. Information/outreach campaign implemented providing reliable and updated information to wide IDP population in Serbia on the return possibilities and available support;

2. IDP families facilitated to return to Kosovo;

3. Enhanced return opportunities to Kosovo by strengthening employment/income generation support to IDPs in the process of return and provision of needed assistance.

Main activities:

1. Extensive outreach visits to private accommodation and collective centers/informal settlement; preparation and distribution of information material; organisation of 8 return-related meetings and 5 public presentations; organisation of 3 Return Round Tables/Workshop.

2. Review and update return-related selection criteria; identification and needs assessment of IDPs wishing to pursue their return options; provision of technical and administrative assistance; referring IDPs interested to return to agencies that are providing hosing solutions in Kosovo; provision of return transportation and assistance kits to 30 IDP families (approx. 108 individuals).

3. Provision of 104 income generating grants to IDP families (approx. 216 individuals) for starting up small business/agriculture-oriented activities; delivery of vocational courses to 30 IDPs in service related fields, craftsmanship, agricultural incentives, etc.; provision of business training sessions and mentoring to 74 IDPs.

*[1] This designation is without prejudice to position on status, and is in line with UNSC 1244/99 and the International Court of Justice Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09