Chapter 27: Towards the closure of illegal landfill sites
A guide for the sanation and remediation of existing non-sanitary landfills for municipal waste was presented at a workshop organized by the PLAC III project…
A guide for the sanation and remediation of existing non-sanitary landfills for municipal waste was presented at a workshop organized by the PLAC III project…
In order to preserve traditional agricultural plant varieties, it is necessary to enable their registration in accordance with EU laws that make it possible in…
The proposal of the new legislative framework of the Republic of Serbia in the field of processing aids in food production, food for special groups…
Policy and Legal Sdvice Centre (PLAC III) project has provided support to the Commission for State Aid Control in implementing EU state aid acquis in…
As part of the harmonisation of Serbian legislative framework on the waste management with the Union acquis, the PLAC III project has provided support to…
Bylaws in the field of reducing of the presence of acrylamide in food, which will enable the harmonization of national legislation with the Union acquis…
An international conference "Justification of Practices and Justification of Explanation of Justification of medical and non-medical exposure” gathering representatives of the European Commission, International Atomic…
Monitoring, surveillance and reporting are of a key importance for effective tobacco control, it was stressed at a tobacco control workshop organized by the PLAC…
Transposition of the Union acquis in the field of packaging waste management into the national legislation of Serbia was the topic of a workshop organised…