Holistic Action against Torture

Overall objective of the project is the world without torture where perpetrators are brought to justice and torture survivors fully enjoy their human rights.

Torture represents one of the most serious crimes against humanity and dignity of a person. Person who is tortured is being dehumanized and treated like an object or an animal. Torture is an extreme, interpersonal trauma, which leaves scars on victim’s psychological and physical health, on his family and friends and on the society in general. Actions directed towards eradication of torture must encompass three interrelated and mutually reinforcing elements - prevention of torture and other forms of ill-treatment, accountability for torture and other ill treatment and rehabilitation of torture victims.

To contribute to overall objective applicants will implement activities with the purpose to:

-           Form chain of empowered stakeholders to efficiently advocate (for UN CAT recommendations), monitor (places of detention) and report on torture and ill treatment.

-           Properly document cases of torture and keep perpetrators accountable.

-           Provide wide scale of comprehensive rehabilitation services including medical, psychological and legal assistance for victims of torture settled in Serbia and North Macedonia.

Specific objective is to contribute to effective prevention of torture, fight against impunity and healing from consequences of torture in the Balkans.

Expected results:

1) Relevant stakeholders informed and included in implementation of recommendations of UN CAT

2) 2 Shadow reports prepared and presented before UN CAT in Geneva

3) Police officers increased their knowledge on International and National standards for prevention of torture

4) Raised awareness of general public about problems of torture victims

5) Further strengthening of capacities of Ombudspersons office through monitoring visits of closed institutions

6) Medical and legal staff gained knowledge on the use of Istanbul Protocol and adequate documentation of cases of torture

7) Torture or ill-treatment survivors represented before the court and cases are supported with forensic evidence

8) Centre for Rehabilitation of Torture Victims established in FYROM and its staff members build capacities for provision of rehabilitation services for torture survivors

9) Efficient holistic rehabilitation (counselling, medical, legal and social) provided to torture survivors and their family members in Serbia and FYROM

10) Report on research conducted among refugees and asylum seekers shared with relevant stakeholders and disseminated to general public

11) Women victims of torture or family members empowered through self-support groups and different workshops

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09