Further Development of Energy Planning Capacity

It is known that a legally binding framework to deliver targets under the Paris Agreement in 2015 has been put in place and ambitious targets for the year 2030 for renewables, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions are set. Similar to EU Member States, Energy Community Contracting Parties, including the Republic of Serbia, are committed to monitor and report in the above fields. The Energy Community (EnC) adopted a Recommendation 2018/01/MC-EnC on the development of INECPs by its Contracting Parties.

The activities foreseen by the Agreement are ongoing, including the implementation of public consultations, cross-border consultations and public discussions on the Draft INECP and the Draft Report on Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment.

The meeting of the Working Group which adopted the draft INECP for public consultations was held on June 12, 2023. Public consultations on the draft Regulation on the establishment of the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan of the Republic of Serbia for the period to 2030 with projections until 2050, will be conducted in the period from June 13, 2023 to July 27, 2023.

The Regulation on determining INECP for the period to 2030, with projections until 2050, which was published on the website of the Ministry of Mining and Energy https://mre.gov.rs/dokumenta/javne-rasprave-i-uvid/javne-konsultacije-i-javna-rasprava-na-predlog-uredbe-o-utvrdjivanju-inekp and on the eKonsultacije portal https://ekonsultacije.gov.rs/topicOfDiscussionPage/61/1.

Public hearings will be held on July 11, 2023 in Belgrade, July 12, 2023 in Novi Sad and July 14, 2023 in Niš. In addition, public hearings on the draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Report are planned for the period from June 22, 2023 to August 6, 2023.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09