European for Active Youth Inclusion


The Grant Scheme includes two lots:
1.    LOT 1: Youth employability, focused on social innovation in youth employability, emphasizing the cross sectoral cooperation in order to deliver the sustainable solutions addressing the needs of youth (total value: EUR 2,190,778.46)
2.    LOT 2: Active inclusion, to address implementation of the active inclusion measures in Serbia targeting different disadvantaged groups, mainly social welfare beneficiaries by implementing activation mix packages and promoting inter-sectoral cooperation at all levels (total value EUR 1,878,435.65)

In total, 24 projects are selected for implementation by the awarded Grant beneficiaries.
LOT 1:12 projects
1.    Regional Development Agency “Braničevo-Podunavlje”, Požarevac and Youth of JAZAS Požarevac / Regional partnership for Rural Youth employment. Overall objective: Increased employment of youth in Braničevo-Podunavlje region (EUR 151,594.00);
2.    City Municipality of Stari Grad, Beograd, Faculty of Management Sremski Karlovac and European Youth Organization / “Turnover“ Youth Educational Center. Overall objective: Promoting sustainable employment of youth and NEET  through improvement of education and social protection (EUR 156,720.00);
3.    Association Limitless and Youth with Disabilities Forum, Beograd / Social enterprises for youth potentials development. Overall objective: To increase the involvement of young people in social entrepreneurship (EUR 208,004.79);
4.    Junior Achievement Serbia JAS, Beograd, Western Balkans Institute “WEBIN”, Municipality of Raška, and Municipality of Svrljig / Modeling Alternative Toolbox and Conditions for Hiring In-Need Generations (Matching). Overall objective: To increase employability of vulnerable youth groups including NEET, long-term unemployed and disadvantaged unemployed youth in Svrljig and Raška (EUR 213,467.14);
5.    Citizens Association SERBIA FOR YOUTH, Beograd and Municipality of Negotin / Youth in Tourism industry. Overall objective: To increase possibilities for inter-sectoral cooperation with the aim of development of tailor-made educational activities and other innovative services addressed to sustainable youth employability (EUR 200,100.00);
6.    Citizens Association Leader+ Banatski Karlovac and Proximo, Beograd / Speak Up for Your Job – Increasing Youth Employability Through Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Foreign Language Practice Approach. Overall objective: Increasing youth employability through boosting foreign language skills (EUR 216,749.90);
7.    Citizens Association Institute for Progress and Collaboration of the Western Balkans Regions, City Municipality of Savski Venac and Citizens Association Aarhus Center of South & East Serbia, Niš / “Nevo Kumpania” – Social business model for youth for inclusive and integrated waste management. Overall objective: Contribute to deployment of social innovations for Roma youth informal waste collectors by implementing the principle of cross-sectoral circular economy in a youth social – enterprise format (EUR 219,553.30);
8.    Youth Club Novi Pazar and Youth agronomy association Belgrade / Agriculture Gets Ready to Innovate (AGRI): Towards a Sustainable Support System for Young People in Agriculture in Serbia. Overall objective: Contribute to employability and employment of young people interested in agriculture in rural areas of Serbia (EUR 97,236.25);
9.    Public Policy Institute, Belgrade and School of New Visions in Education, Novi Sad / Youth of Today - Carriers of Change Tomorrow. Overall objective: Build capacities of young people in geographically marginalized areas of Serbia to enter labour market through non-formal education and innovative methodology, to introduce them to potential employers, teach them skills for self-employability and to create a sustainable recruiting database of young professional for potential employers (EUR 98,029.12);
10.    Kučevo municipality, University of Belgrade Faculty of Agriculture, Agricultural Cooperative “Soare” Neresnica and Citizens association "Steps of heritage" / Young Farmers for Kučevo Future. Overall objective: Contribute to socio-economic development of Kučevo municipality and Braničevo region through increased employment of disadvantaged youth (EUR 223,708.80);
11.    Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, National Youth Council of Serbia, citizens association “M-peeria” and National Association of Youth Workers – NAPOR, Novi Sad / OUR COMMUNITY, OUR FUTURE - Toward greater cooperation and youth employability. Overall objective: To improve long-term employability of NEET youth and promote sustainable cross-sectoral cooperation at the local level, towards an inclusive community based entrepreneurial mechanism (EUR 226,261.11);
12.    The Municipality of Bač, Municipality of Bački Petrovac and NGO Biznisnova - Center for proactive business / Encouraging the employment of youth in Danube region of south Bačka Overall objective: Improving position of young people and creating conditions for their employment and self-employment in Danube region in south Bačka with the focus on youth from rural areas (EUR 179,354.05).
LOT 2:12 projects
1.    Caritas Šabac, C.O.S.M. Consorzio Operativo Salute-Mentale S.C.S. and Municipality of Bogatić / Social entrepreneurship as a tool for fighting social exclusion and poverty. Overall objective: Increase employment opportunities for vulnerable people, fostering social economy sector and contribute to economy and social awareness at the more general level (EUR 205,555.24);
2.    Mental Disability Rights Initiative MDRI-S, Beograd and Association supporting persons with developmental disabilities “Naša Kuća”, Beograd / Equality before the law as a precondition for employment of persons with disabilities – EQUALIZER .Overall objective: Progressive improvement of laws, policies and practices that restrict the right to be equal before the law and prohibit employment for persons with disabilities and social stigma challenges (EUR 102,345.50);
3.    Youth with Disabilities Forum, Beograd, National Employment Service of the Republic of Serbia and Employment Agency of Montenegro / Pathway to inclusive Labour market. Overall objective: To increase employability and employment opportunities for long-term unemployed persons with disabilities, by designing and implementing the tailor-made packages of measures, supporting active inclusion at the labour market (EUR 199,920.00);
4.    Public Administration and Local Government Center PALGO, Beograd and NBI Research Center for Humanities and Art, Beograd / New Emancipation Model for Sustainable Roma Community. Overall objective: To create and introduce a new model of emancipation of Roma population that will enable them to improve their status in the fields of education, economic empowerment, hosing, protection of the environment, culture, gender equality, health and social protection, which will contribute to the creation of preconditions for establishing a sustainable neighbourhood through better and more inclusive life of Roma communities in Serbia (EUR 99,700.20);
5.    Centre for foster care and adoption Kragujevac, Business Development Center Kragujevac, and Let’s Do It Together Association, Kragujevac / Inter-sector safety net for active inclusion of youth in foster care. Overall objective: Contribute to increased active inclusion and employment of youth in foster care in Serbia, and to implementation of the Employment and Social Reform Programme in Serbia as well (EUR 143,606.07);
6.    Organization of People with Disabilities of Kuršumlija and Municipality of Kuršumlija / Activate for more opportunities. Overall objective: Increased employability and social inclusion of unemployed persons with disabilities through active inclusion models (EUR 98,862.16);
7.    CRID Inclusive Society Development Center, Beograd and Center for inclusion, innovation and integration - In Center / Support to employment of vulnerable groups through social entrepreneurship. Overall objective: To contribute to the strengthening of social inclusion, economy and employment for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in Serbia (EUR 184,990.00);
8.    Youth Council Kruševac and Correctional Home for Juveniles Kruševac / Support to juvenile offenders to reintegrate into society and Labour market. Overall objective: Contribution to active inclusion of disadvantaged groups and contribution to national employment measures in Serbia (EUR 99,990.73);
9.    Center for Social Policy Belgrade, Women's center Užice, Municipality of Priboj and Municipality of Dimitrovgrad / Jobs, Opportunities, Businesses, Support – JOBS. Overall objective: Contribute to the enhanced employability of disadvantaged groups of women, predominantly social welfare beneficiaries, through the implementation of the ESRP measures for women (EUR 143,711.70);
10.    NGO Child’s Heart, Beograd and Home for mentally disabled “Srce u Jabuci” / Step by step – capacity building of work competencies and skills of persons with developmental disorders. Overall objective: To improve social environment for better conditions for employment of vulnerable groups and decrease level of their segregation (EUR 211,132.85);
11.    OPEN CLUB Niš and Association for Development of Creativity, Aleksinac / Employment support package Overall objective: To encourage economic development of Serbia through increased employment with the application of appropriate programs and strategies (EUR 199,794.00);
12.    Municipality of Gadžin Han and Proactive Niš / It’s never too late for Start-up. Overall objective: Enhance employability of long-term unemployed through the creation of a permanent service start-up center, as an accelerator programme focusing on skill building and entrepreneurship for people with perspective business ideas (EUR 188,827.20).

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09