The UNOPS is implementing the project ''Technical capacity facility for the implementation of Action Plans for Chapters 23 and 24" within the EU for Rule of Law Action. The implementation period is 30 months (September 2022 - February 2025) and the EU allocated 5 million euros for its implementation. The Overall Objective of the Project is to contribute to the enhancement of the rule of law system in Serbia in line with the EU standards and best practices.

The Specific Objective is to enhance the technical capacities of Serbia in the process of achieving its obligations stemming from Chapter 23, Judiciary and Fundamental Rights and from Chapter 24, Justice, Freedom and Security in line with the EU acquis and relevant interim benchmarks (IBMs). The EU for Rule of Law Action, in its entirety, will provide support to improve strategic, institutional, and human resources, while this facility will primarily result in the procurement of equipment on the basis of recommendations identified through two other interventions. Thus, the Project activities will focus on: identification and verification of needs; procurement planning, market research and requirements definition; public procurement and delivery of equipment; training of the beneficiary personnel and final acceptance of the equipment and transfer of ownership to the beneficiary.

The activities will be designed based on analyses, recommendations, and other relevant inputs stemming from the complementary interventions within the broader EU for the Rule of Law Action, namely Facilities for Chapters 23 and 24, ensuring the strengthening of the technical capacities of relevant state institutions.

This component is part of the bigger project "EU for the Rule of Law", launched by the EU Delegation to Serbia in 2022. It is a new package of support to the Rule of Law Sector, part of the IPA Programme for Serbia, for a total amount of 20.8 million euros.

Such support aims at accompanying Serbia in meeting the Interim Benchmarks under Chapters 23 and 24 in the coming years.

The programme will be ongoing until 2025.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09