EU for Niš Wastewater Collection and Treatmеnt

Construction of Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Collection System in Niš

Lot 1- Construction of WWTP Ciganski Ključ and Wastewater treatment at WTP Mediana

The overall objective of this project is to protect environment from communal wastewaters and wastewaters from water treatment plant Mediana by construction of main collectors and wastewater treatments.

The works covered under this Project include two components:

 Component 1: Construction of WWTP Ciganski Ključ (including the Access Road to WWTP Ciganski Ključ)

 The specific aim of this section is to establish a wastewater treatment plant for wastewaters collected by the public sewerage system which will have a capacity of 286.000 PE. The process will include Primary and Secondary treatment with tertiary treatment in phase II, Conventional activated sludge treatment, Anaerobic digestion of sludge, Solar drying of digested sludge prior to disposal at landfill.

 The Works will include the following process lines:

 Wastewater Treatment Line:

           Preliminary Treatment

           Primary Treatment

           Secondary / biological treatment with nutrient removal in Phase II

           UV disinfection of part of treated effluent and re-use as technical and firefighting

 Sludge Line:

           Sludge Thickening

           Anaerobic digestion

           Dewatering of stabilized sludge

           Solar drying of dewatered sludge to 50% DS content

 Construction under this section will be in two phases, whereas this Contract covers design of both phases but the construction of only Phase I:

 Phase I – Bio-aeration comprises organic reduction.

 Phase II – Treatment line upgraded to tertiary treatment, comprising process units for nutrients (N and P) biological removal.

 Component 2: Wastewater treatment at WTP Mediana

The specific aim of this section is to provide treatment of filter backwash water and sludge from tube settlers at WTP Mediana and the construction of a process line for wastewater treatment at the WTP Mediana location, on the left bank of the river Nišava.

 Seven captured karst springs provide sufficient water quantity for Niš during most of the year. In case of increased needs for drinking water, it is replaced by surface water from the river Nišava, which is treated at the WTP Mediana. Water streams generated during the process of preparation of drinking water at WTP Mediana, sludge from tube sedimentation tanks and water from filter backwashing, are combined and currently discharged into river Nišava without prior treatment.

 The Works will include the following:

            Design raw water  flow – 600 l/s

           Treatment of settled sludge and backwash water

           Design sludge flow – 10 m3/d per settling tank

           Design sludge flow – 177 m3/d per filter tank

           Process include chemical dosing, settlement, sludge thickening and dewatering.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09