EU for Kraljevo Wastewater Collection and Treatmеnt


The City of Kraljevo is located in the central part of the Republic of Serbia, in the Raška District, at the confluence of the Ibar and Morava rivers.The sewerage system of the city of Kraljevo includes Kraljevo with six constituent settlements (Ribnica, Grdica, Čibukovac, Jarčujak, Kovanluk, Kovači) and nine surrounding villages (Mataruška Banja, Žiča, Ratina, Konarevo, Adrani, Dragošinjci, Metikoši, Mataruge, and Progorelica), forming the Kraljevo agglomeration with approximately 90,000 inhabitants.

The sewerage network exists in all populated areas of the agglomeration, and wastewater flows into the West Morava and Ibar rivers without appropriate treatment. Some settlements are still not connected to the sewerage network. Most of the existing sewerage system is in poor condition, with high infiltration rates, locally with counter pipe drop, not attached to the main city sewerage collectors and other dis-functionalities.


Further development of waste water infrastructure in the city of Kraljevo, through assistance, expertise and consulting regarding optimal coordination, effective supervision and project and site management of the works.

Project sections (LOT’s):

• Design and Construction of the waste water treatment plant Kraljevo (LOT1) * Preparatory procedures, including permissions and approvals, are being finalized. The construction phase will begin in the next couple of months - by the end of 2024.

• Construction of sewage main collector and rehabilitation, reconstruction and extension of sewage network including construction of sewage pumping stations of the City of Kraljevo (LOT 2) * Tender for LOT 2 works contract is currently cancelled, and is awaiting re-launch.


The Final Beneficiary is the Ministry in charge for environmental protection - Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia. Contracting authority is the Ministry of finance - Department for Contracting and Financing of EU Funded Programmes (CFCU). The citizens of Kraljevo are the main target group.

Financial breakdown:

EU Contribution: 11,900,000 EUR
(Works LOT1: 10,947,978.33; Supervision: 952,021.67)

National Contribution: 7,247,877 EUR
(Works LOT1: 6,668,033.27; Supervision: 579,843.33)

Total: 19,147,877 EUR

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09