Development of an integrated National Qualifications system in Serbia

Why do we need a National Qualifications Framework (NQF)?

NQF is a framework for the development, recognition and awarding of qualifications. It covers all qualifications obtained through different types of education and training, and makes it easy to compare them in a clear and transparent way. In other words, NQF describes what learners – pupils, students or adult trainees - should know and are capable of doing on the basis of the acquired qualification, and indicates possible pathways of moving from one qualification or qualification level to another within the system. 

From the moment it is connected with the EQF, the NQF contributes to the transparency of the national qualifications system and allows for easier transfer of qualifications. This is why more than 150 countries have developed or have the NQF under development.   

The European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning and the Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area are meta-systems that link qualifications systems in different countries and are instruments of better understanding and comparison of qualifications in different countries in Europe and the world. Their main goal is for various systems to communicate with each other and to facilitate labour and student mobility. 

What is the purpose of the Project?

The Project activities are divided into three segments (three Project results):

The activities under Result 1 are focused on the establishment of the NQF Register and institutionalisation of social partnerships. The activities will also include support to the newly established Agency for Qualifications and support to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development for drafting regulations and required by-law acts. 

Through the activities under Result 2, the support will be provided for the development sector profiles and qualifications standards, including the support for the activities of sector councils. Sector profiles have so far been developed on the basis of different methodologies and different sets of data. The Project task is to develop a methodology that will enable the development of sector profiles in all of the sectors and to enable the Agency for qualifications and sector councils for the application of this methodology. When it comes to qualification standard, the Project activities will focus on the preparing of the Methodology for qualification standard development and linking qualifications with occupational standards, given the fact that each qualification should be linked to the appropriate occupation.  

Under Result 3, the existing Concept of recognition of prior learning will be analysed, on the basis of which the system for recognition of prior learning will be piloted. The Concept will be revised based on the results of the piloting, and the Project will support the system in the establishing of quality assurance mechanisms in the process of recognition of prior learning.  

The Project began operating in February 2019 and will continue, as planned, till February 2021. This timeframe should allow for important and comprehensive systemic reforms to be implemented.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09