Design of an efficient support system 112 for the Republic of Serbia

Project extension

Project extension

As of the end of October 2020, the project was extended for a 6 month period. We will now add practical tools for increasing the…

Study visit - Spain

Study visit - Spain

One of the important components within the implementation of the project is enabling the key Beneficiaries of the future Serbian 112 (Ministry of Interior of…

Meetings with the Stakeholders

Meetings with the Stakeholders

Within the last two months, the team of Key experts was engaged in the analysis and assessment of the existing situation. A series of meetings…

Inception Report

Inception Report

Based on the information made available for our project team during the Inception Phase, the strategy for implementation was adjusted accordingly. The strategy is more…

Our project on social media

Our project on social media

The social media channels of our project are now active, you are invited to visit us and like us.The project on Facebook | The project…

The project website was launched

The project website was launched

The project website is launched and acts as a tool for information sharing and one of the main communication and collaborative tools for the project…

Kick-Off Meeting

Kick-Off Meeting

The Kick-Off Meeting was held in Belgrade on 29 January 2019 and was hosted by the Delegation of European Union in the Republic of Serbia.…

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09