Support to Public Administration Reform Visibility and Communication under the PAR Sector Reform Contract


Full transparency of the public administration reform (PAR) is essential for overall understanding of significance of reforms towards achievement of modern, professional public services. Internal communication within and among the different public administration institutions implementing the PAR is equally important for the change management processes needed for the PAR to be effective. 

The PAR Communication and Visibility project, part of Complementary Support to the Sector Budget Support Programme, assists the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government (MPALSG) and the European Union Delegation to Serbia (EUD) in raising public awareness, knowledge and understanding of the PAR in Serbia. The main project objectives are support to Government's efforts for increasing visibility of PAR and public finance management (PFM) processes, raising awareness of EU support to PAR and benefits for citizens which the PAR process brings within the EU integration process and developing internal communication capacities of MPALSG, Ministry of finance (MoF) and other public administration bodies. 

The project is developing the PAR communication strategic framework and supporting MPALSG and other beneficiaries in implementation of visibility actions to showcase directly practical benefits of the reform to citizens and businesses and boost the citizen support for the reform. To raise the visibility of EU support to PAR in Serbia the project will develop a public awareness campaign with clear, positive and coherent messages about EU assistance. It facilitates development of internal communication capacities by establishing a network of civil servants and communication trainings and mentoring.

Detailed information

Sector Reform Contract for Public Administration Reform

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09