Support to Public Administration Reform under the PAR Sector Reform Contract


Serbian Public Administration Reform (PAR) strategy adopted in 2014 and its accompanying Action Plan provide the basis for comprehensive reforms in administration, with a need for strategic and continual support. The European Union provides important assistance through the Sector Reform Contract, consisting of sector budget and complementary support.

As part of the complementary support, this project provides assistance to ongoing reforms within the public administration system in Serbia with policy advice, technical assistance and support to institutional and human resource capacity building. In particular, support is provided for capacity building for the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government (MPALSG), Public Policy Secretariat (PPS) and other institutions in implementation, coordination, monitoring and reporting on PAR.
Evidence-based public policy development and coordination covers policy planning, analysis, formulation, adoption, coordination.Detailed information

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09