Support to Public Administration Reform at the local level – Property inventory (Exchange 5) grant scheme


Strengthening capacities of local self-government (LSG) units in property management brings the public administration closer to citizens and business. This programme fosters LSG administration in smooth implementation of regulatory and budget reforms and ensures necessary support for strengthening local capacities by providing assistance to local authorities in recording and transferring public property and creating conditions for proper management. Asset management is a prerequisite for local development and improvement of local services.

Implementation of the grant scheme envisages improvement of municipal property management services for at least 20 underdeveloped cities and municipalities. Technical assistance (municipal support packages) is provided to LSG units to establish basic prerequisites for system asset management.

Support implies establishing inventory, classification and recording of assets at LSG units, consolidation of LSGs’ property management regarding legal aspects, institutional and organisational aspects, and capacity building through trainings and advisory support to LSGs in public property management. Regional trainings for asset management for all LSG units are organised to raise capacities and awareness of importance and perspectives of efficient public property management for local development.

Detailed information

Fostering LSG administration in smooth implementation of PAR aims at ensuring coordinated interaction with the local administration and stakeholders in implementing reform activities in programme budgeting and property management.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09