Support to Public Administration Reform at the local level – Programme budgeting methodology (Exchange 5)


Establishing an efficient support system for application of the programme budgeting methodology by local self-government (LSG) is the most substantial public finance management reform of the at the local level. 

The support consists of technical assistance and capacity building for local authorities with introduction of programme budgeting and implementation of guidelines and methodology for programme budgeting, linking strategic planning and budget development. 

There is a need for more sustainable support mechanism to LSG units for programme budgeting. This grant scheme is committed to provision of assistance in addressing the LSG units’ priority needs related to strengthening of organisational, administrative and technical capacities. 

Developing and implementing trainings, advisory support and strengthening of the network of local finance officers ensure an efficient support system for application of the programme budgeting methodology by local governments. Capacity building assistance to LSGs also includes improvement of coordination between local and central levels, while networking of LSGs local finance professionals trough SCTM local finances network implies exchange of know-how, best practices and experiences in selected topics.

Detailed information

Fostering LSG administration in smooth implementation of PAR aims at ensuring coordinated interaction with the local administration and stakeholders in implementing reform activities in programme budgeting and property management.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09