Support to establishment of the National academy for Public Administration


The National Academy for Public Administration (NAPA) in Serbia is established to organise a sustainable system for capacity building and professional development of public administration at all government levels. As the central training institution, NAPA is responsible for professional development of civil servants which contributes to improvement of quality services to citizens and businesses. 

The project supports NAPA with building the foundations of a modern and efficient public administration by providing technical assistance to its management in the initial set-up and planning of operations. 

The support is reflected in definition of the operational framework for internal procedures of the NAPA through assessing the needs and preparing the documents such as: rulebook on internal organisation and job classification; directives and other internal acts regulating issues of relevance to employees and their internal communication; financial management and information system; by-laws deriving from the Law on the NAPA and other relevant laws; strategic documents for development of the financial management and control system; risk management strategies and priority areas of financing, including the structure of the programme budget for 2019 and the medium-term budget plan (2019-2021).

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Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09