Strengthened capacities of the State Prosecutorial Council and Republic Public Prosecutor’s Office in performing their competences related to prosecutorial governance and coordination


The Republic Public Prosecutor’ Office and the State Prosecutorial Council have important roles in independence, impartiality, accountability, professionalism, competence and efficiency of the prosecution system. The RPPO is responsible for directing and overseeing the work of the Public Prosecutor’s Offices, while the SPC secures autonomy of public prosecution and has a significant role in the process of elections of prosecutors and deputy prosecutors. 

The EU supports establishment of a fair and transparent system based on merit for management of judges and prosecutors’ careers, i.e. recruiting, evaluating and promotions based on periodic professional performance assessment. The project will provide training in strategic planning and analytics, human resources planning, financial planning and management and internal audit. It will also support drafting career development regulations for prosecutors and deputy prosecutors and backlog reduction, ensuring coordination in complementary areas of work between State Prosecutorial Council and Republic Public Prosecutor’s Office. 

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Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13