Serbia Public Administration Rightsizing and Restructuring Project


Organisational and functional restructuring of institutions and other bodies within the public administration system contributes to its sustainability, especially in fiscal context. 

This project supports ongoing public administration reform to establish efficient, professional, accountable and fiscally responsible administration which provides high quality services to citizens and businesses. The project’s focus is changing the organizational structure in public administration, based on functional reviews, to obtain more sustainable and efficient allocation of resources.

Rightsizing and Restructuring project includes horizontal and vertical functional reviews of the organization and staffing principles and cost-effectiveness of service delivery in key sectors -health, primary and secondary education, social protection, finance and agriculture. It also reviews staffing and management practices in the core state administration and certain agencies outside the state administration and Government service providers. Improvement of organizational and functional structures of the public administration system and sustainability of the restructuring efforts system address priorities and measures identified in the Public Administration Reform (PAR) Strategy and the Action plan. 

Activities will support implementation of functional reviews’ recommendations through establishment of change management structures, roadmaps with rightsizing recommendations and training of civil servants in functional reviews methodological approach. Expected results are optimization in several public administration sub-systems as a complementary means of overall optimization process, implementation of change management and communication strategy within the optimization. 

Detailed information

The World Bank in Serbia

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09