Performance-Based Road Maintenance on Serbian National Road Network


In Serbia there are only 27% roads that are in good condition and need just routine maintenance, while almost two thirds need resurfacing and rehabilitation. Serbian Roads needs road maintenance of the highest degree. 

Main purpose of the performance-based Contracting for Roads is to increase efficiency of road asset maintenance. It should basically ensure that the condition of the roads is adequate for drivers, for duration of the contract. 

In traditional road maintenance contracts, the Contractor is responsible for completing the works to maximize turnover and profits. In performance-based road contracts, most of the payments are based on measured "outputs” reflecting the conditions of the roads under contract. Contractor is fully responsible for the works, durability and performance of the roads over a longer period. More focus is put on quality than quantity. That is the reason why the Contractor has strong financial motivation to be efficient. There is also greater control over planning, transparency and accountability.

The main result of such maintenance: road agencies that have adopted this approach have achieved maintenance cost savings from 10% to 40% compared to traditional contracts, and the realization of works was significantly improved.

An important focus of this project was preparation of strategic documents, models of tender and contract documents, staff training, preparation of an implementation rulebook and technical instructions and preparation of specific tender document for selected 3,000 km of national road network (roads, bridges, tunnels, winter service). 

Detailed information

Audio-video materials:
Department for Road Maintenance and Preservation (Serbian Roads):

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09