Human resource management in Local Self-Government (Phase 2)


The success of the overall Public Administration Reform (PAR) in Serbia, third pillar of the EU accession, together with rule of law and economic governance, is directly connected to further professionalisation of civil service in accordance with the principles of merit and of accountability of civil servants.  

The project aims at establishing the principles of professionalisation, modernisation and decentralisation of public administration through an efficient local self-government (LSG) system. The focus is on introduction of a modern human resource (HR) management tools in LSG units and effective organizational framework for professional trainings of local employees, based on staff needs and performance evaluation. These two parallel processes are a prerequisite for good governance and more effective provision of services to citizens and businesses. Increased capacities and competences at local level will demonstrate an improved and long-term sustainable HRM system. 

Improvement of effectiveness, transparency, commitment to preventing discrimination and accountability of public administration at the local level further strengthens local administration to meet the EU standards. 

Detailed information

The project is a part of broader EU support to Serbia in strengthening the legislative framework and institutional capacities, for the efficient carrying out of accession negotiations and fulfilling the requirements of EU membership. This direct support helps Serbian administration to effectively meet requirements and conditions deriving from the accession negotiations and successfully manages overall EU integration and pre-accession assistance geared towards EU membership focusing on key areas of free movement of goods, human resources development in local public administration and legislative harmonisation with the EU acquis.
The total amount of this support worth of 14.524.669 EUR, where 3.600.000 EUR covering HR development and management. The whole programme is directly managed by EUD to Serbia, while the management of this project is intrusted to the Council of Europe through indirect management which will act in partnership with Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SCTM).
Detailed information about EU Integration Facility read here.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09