Emission reduction and Waste Water Treatment Plant construction in TPP ‘Nikola Tesla’


The "Nikola Tesla Thermal Power Plant" branch - TENT (Nikola Tesla A and B, Kolubara, and Morava) is the largest electricity producer in Southeast Europe. It has the capacity of 3,288 MW, which is one third of the installed capacities of "Elektroprivreda Srbije". TENT provides more than 50% of Serbian electricity. Besides being the greatest electric power facility of Serbia, it has a great impact on environment with its natural resources, coal and hydro potential, transmission and distribution of electricity. Energy plants are the worst polluters in Serbia: thermal power facilities are doubtlessly the biggest polluters of air and substantial polluter of water.

The concern is even greater as TPP Nikola Tesla is located 59 km upstream from the capital of Serbia – Belgrade. The wastewater outlets from Nikola Tesla to the River Sava are located within the sanitary protection zone of potable water springs Makiš supplying Belgrade. However, there was no system to monitor nitrate concentrations in and contamination of groundwater. The wastewater treatment infrastructure needed upgrading.

Thanks to the successfully implemented projects in the past ten-year period, after the reconstruction of the electro filter, the emission of solid particles in the air was reduced by six times. The construction of a new ash disposal system has prevented ash blasting from the 400-ha landfill, the amount of water for transporting ash was reduced for 10 times and the result was permanently halted pollution of groundwater. 

The modernization of existing plants resulted in total coal savings of 4.2 million tons. At the same time, annual electricity production has been increased for the strength of a new 400 MW block, and energy efficiency has been increased by 12 percent. Construction of Waste Water Treatment Plant reduced the amount of harmful oily water discharged into River Sava, leading to improvement in water quality around the TPP. 

The health of the population began to improve, health costs were reduced and economy of the affected areas was improved. Water quality control at River Sava water was regularly continued, as well as groundwater around the ash disposal site.

In the last two decades Serbia did not commit itself to cleaner nature and energy-related development. There have been almost no investments in this area for decades. Today, electricity generation is carried out according to the highest EU standards, and the largest investments in the forthcoming 10 years will be dedicated to rehabilitation and upgrading of the existing electricity transmission system.

Detailed information


Project for the construction of desulphurization plants:

TPP Nikola Tesla

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09