E-business Development


Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of any modern economy and crucial for development of Serbia. They need to adapt to new business models as digital technology impact is increasing. E-business implies use of ICT applications to support business activities. 

This project aimed at enhancing competitiveness of the Serbian economy. The SMEs were supported to understand the importance of e-business and e-commerce digital applications as means for increasing competitiveness in the global market and vehicles facilitating internationalization of services and products, and cutting costs. E-commerce improves competitiveness of a company, expanding its market and increasing the number of customers. E-business refers not only to technology - it combines technology, process, organization and new ways of thinking. 

The project also provided support in interaction between the state administration and the business sector, with the aim to facilitate development of new technologies that will enable greater flexibility of the state administration and better services to both domestic and international companies.

A trust mark was introduced for SMEs, as initiative for introduction of E-Trustmark principles and practices in the business community. A total of 66 SMEs received this mark during the project. The Centre for Development of E-Commerce and Consumer Protection on the Internet from Novi Sad will continue to engage in the process of accreditation and assignment of this label.

Numerous workshops and trainings for more than 700 representatives of SMEs were organized in order to bring them closer to e-commerce, e-business and digital applications concepts; about 1000 representatives of state institutions participated in 35 workshops on importance of digital e-commerce, e-business and e-commerce and fight against cyber crime; 9 leaflets and useful manuals were distributed to project beneficiaries.

The project encouraged consumers to better accept e-commerce. An online platform for secure shopping was created to provide information about consumer rights for online purchases, in order to increase confidence of e-consumers in e-commerce. More than 2,000 citizens received a certificate on this platform on their consumer rights, and over 6000 Facebook followers were educated about online shopping.

Detailed information

•    https://www.facebook.com/Razvoj-elektronskog-poslovanja-1451226168507374/
•    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeTQEUv3cZXyKRRLZdFMA9Q  
•    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCASB4dVLXLgm5iX-tsNMNmw
•    http://ras.gov.rs/kreiraj-zivot/zavrseni-projekti/projekat-razvoj-elektronskog-poslovanja
•    http://europa.rs/eu-publications/?lang=en

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09