EU for Robot Lala

Like a slightly larger vacuum cleaner, the “Lala” robot analyses the soil and immediately collects data on the mechanical and chemical properties of the soil. He immediately sends the digitised data by satellite to the archive, which every farmer in Serbia can use at any time, 24 hours a day, all year round.

“Probably the most famous thing is the digital agriculture platform of Serbia – Agrosens, which has more than 15,000 users in the system. The idea is to provide ordinary users in agriculture who have only a mobile phone and no knowledge of digital technologies, completely free of charge with the most modern digital services “, says Vladimir Crnojević, director of the Biosense Institute.

Thanks to a good idea, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Novi Sad managed to form the Biosense Institute with the help of the European Union and funds from the Horizon 2020 program.

The European Union’s support for innovation and competitiveness in Serbia is worth more than 200 million euros for the period from 2014 until today. The funds intended for this sector are used to encourage the quality of science, innovation and connections with European and international scientists and entrepreneurs, which increases the competitiveness of the Serbian economy.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09