Workshops about the new Public Procurement Portal continue in November

Nis, November 05, 2019 – Practical workshops about the new Public Procurement Portal are continuing in November all over Serbia. The fifth in a row was held in Nis on 4 and 5 November, where 40 participants, economic operators and contracting authorities were thoroughly trained about the implementation of the open public procurement procedure on the new Public Procurement Portal and the way how tenders are being prepared, submitted and evaluated through practical exercises.

By now, two hundred participants have had the opportunity to go through two-day workshops that took place in Belgrade, Pozarevac, Novi Sad, Subotica and Nis. In the remaining three cities, another hundred and twenty participants will complete these trainings.

During November, workshops will also be held in Leskovac, Kragujevac and Kraljevo.

The Project supports these workshops organized by the Public Procurement Office and in cooperation with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13