Welcome to E-learning platform

    An E-learning platform has been developed for you with the support of the European Union Delegation in the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of European Integration and the EU Info Centre. The platform is intended for all of those who need detailed information and online training for the preparation and implementation of projects by which they want to apply for one of the EU programmes available in Serbia.

    Since the interest in participating in EU programmes has been growing, and that even increasingly more institutions, organizations, businesses, scientific and educational, as well as those cultural, but also certain individuals, have certain ideas for projects and want to improve their work through participation in one of the programmes, the online platform represents an open and completely free of charge opportunity to obtain quality information and project writing skills.

    There are 12 EU programmes currently available in Serbia, and on this page, you can find all the comprehensive information and links you need. Our mission is to make it easier for you to apply for one of these programmes and, at the end of the process, succeed by having your project approved and ultimately begin to apply it.

    In all of this, the new E-learning platform that we have developed for these purposes is to provide you with substantial help. Our goal is to enable you to get access, through a few simple steps, to the literature that you have been forced to search for on many different web sites, pages, links, etc. so far. By bringing it all together in one place, on this platform, we allow you to get through the six compulsory modules divided into thematic units, which include written, video and audio materials, as well as self-assessment tests that are eventually leading you to the obligatory final test.

    The results of that final test will give you an idea of what level of project preparation success you are at, where certain corrections are needed, and how the project proposal can be improved. There is also a FAQ section on the platform, where you will be able to find clarifications you may need, as well as technical support for all the details in the field. And in the end, when you successfully pass the final test, a certificate is waiting for you!

    To simplify everything even more and make it accessible to as many interested people as possible, the access to the platform is quite easy. On this page, in the E-learning window, you should register and create your profile in the box that provides you with all the work materials.

        We wish you best in learning and the most successful application of the acquired knowledge on projects!

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13