WEBINARS - Preparation of project proposal

    Due to the COVID19 pandemic, the project was forced to give up organizing Training for project preparation and implementation. In the present circumstances, we can offer these training courses in an online format.

    Namely, the situation will not allow us to gather indoors in large numbers, and it is a good time to continue with training, in a bit different form. Some of the calls for EU programmes are still extended, new ones are coming, and it is the exact time for project proposal preparation.

    To support potential applicants in the preparation of project proposals for EU programmes, the project "Support to Participation in EU Programmes", funded by the European Union and implemented by the Ministry of European Integration organizes webinars. During May, we will repeat some of the most interesting topics from Module 1 and Module 2 training held in the period January – March and the summer, we will continue with other topics. During the first four webinars, we will refer to the following topics:

- Preparation of project proposals: defining objectives, indicators, results and impacts

- Cost forecasting and project budget preparation

- Logical matrix

- Problem and stakeholder analysis

This training is aimed at participants who want to update the knowledge gained in Module 1 and 2, as well as new participants, who will participate for the first time online. Anyone wishing to increase chances for a successful application for an EU programme is very welcome! Module 3 “Project Management and Implementation”, previously scheduled for March, will be held during June through webinars, according to the situation.

Webinars will be recorded and posted on the project web page for those who are unable to attend the online lecture to watch it later. The dates of the following webinars are indicated in the calendar on this website http://eu-programmes.euinfo.rs.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13