Training on animal welfare protection during transport and slaughter

A two-day training on animal welfare during transport and during slaughter was held in Belgrade on 27 and 28 of July organized by the project “Reinforcement of animal health and welfare”. During training, the role of animal welfare in modern society was presented, with the special focus on animal welfare during transport and during slaughtering. With the presence of representatives of the Veterinary Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Project Team experts and representatives from slaughterhouses, several topics related to animal welfare were discussed.

“By respecting the rules of animal welfare, we contribute to reducing suffering, pain, fair and stress to a minimum. We improve our awareness in the direction of respecting the care and responsible attitude towards animals”, said the Project Coordinator from Veterinary Directorate of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management , Maja Andrijasevic.

The first training covered topics related to animal welfare during transport. It was discussed about the regulation of the European Commission on improving the welfare of animals during transport, with special aspect on the transport of large animals. The influence of stress during transport was especially emphasized.

”Animal Welfare is an integral part of European Union policy, of OIE policy and is embedded in the 2030 UN agenda with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Animal Health and welfare is  recognized as an integral part of the human health and well being in the concept One health-one welfare”, said Animal welfare expert Antonio Di Nardo. “It is very important to give transported animals the best possible conditions in terms of their welfare, not forgetting the quality and safety of their derived products as well as the animals that every day are slaughtered for human consumptions, for not to make their sacrifice in vain”, he added.

The second day of the training was dedicated to animal welfare during slaughter, through all phases.

One part of the training was dedicated to animal welfare platform as a new tool for the animal welfare dialogue, lessons learned during animal killing for disease control and the exceptions due to religious slaughtering.

Reinforcement of animal health and welfare is EU a funded project that provides support to the Veterinary Directorate of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management in the process of harmonization with standards in the area of animal health, welfare and biosecurity.

Last updated: February 24, 2025, 17:27