Training of trainers

In the period from 8-10 September 2021, training of trainers on accessibility policies and practices was organized in Novi Sad. The three-day training was attended by over 20 participants, employed in public administration services at the national, provincial and local levels, engineers, architects, urban planners, representatives of civil society organizations.

The training for trainers "European accessibility policies and practices in the Republic of Serbia" was organized as the third level of training within the Project "", funded by the European Union, and its purpose was to raise the capacity, knowledge and skills of various actors in terms of accessibility.

The training covered the following topics: accessibility and design for all, study on accessibility, public speaking, stakeholder interests related to accessibility, and through interactive work within the workshops, participants had the opportunity to work on planning accessibility projects and strategic and action accessibility planning.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13