Training in the Ministry of Finance on managerial accountability and risk management in the area of natural disasters

Belgrade, February 2020 – A one-day training was organised in February in the Ministry of Finance on the topic of „Managerial accountability and financial management and control: Risk management (Practical case – natural disasters)”. The training was organised by the Department – Central Harmonisation Unit and the EU-funded Twinning project „Support to further development of public internal financial control (PIFC)”. The training was officially opened by the address of Ms. Spomenka Würzburger, assistant minister and the head of the Department – Central Harmonisation Unit and Mr. Fabien Decker, resident twinning advisor.

The lecturers for the training were Mr. Guillaume Bouveyron, Expert in Disaster Risk Reduction, French Development Agency, and Mr. Dominique Hautbergue, Head of Western Balkans Office, also from the French Development Agency (AFD).

The training was the opportunity to discuss risk management issues in the area of natural disasters and also highlighted the necessity for future joint work by different stakeholders in this area. This training was also the opportunity for all the participants to broaden their knowledge of the activities of the French Development Agency and their ongoing and future operations in Serbia. In addition to the staff from the Ministry of Finance, the training was also attended by the representatives from the Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Agriculture and Public Water Management Company “Srbijavode".

PIFC project is funded by the EU and co-financed by the Republic of Serbia and will remain committed to bringing the ЕU experts and support transfer of knowledge and experience between Serbian colleagues and international experts.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13