Trainers for trainings on disciplinary responsibility of judges mastered trainer skills with Project’s support

Project has organised two training of trainers as to provide them with the best possible professional preparation and equip them for transmitting knowledge to adult professionals. On these occasions the participants were trained through practical work and exercises on presentation skills, interactive methodologies and adult teaching methods.

In the “Training Needs’ Analysis - TNA”, which was carried out by the Project, it was concluded that the members of the Council’s disciplinary bodies would make the most appropriate trainers, due to their having years of experience and their familiarity with the practice in this field, which was recognised by the Judicial Academy.

Two sessions were designed and organised: a two-day training of trainers which was held on August 28 and 29, 2019 in Vrdnik, and on September 7, 2019 in Belgrade.

 Upon completion of these trainings the members of the Council’s disciplinary bodies were presented with the certificates on having completed the TOT, which were issued jointly by the Judicial Academy, the Council and GIZ.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13