Together for accessible institutions

The conference titled "EU and Serbia - together for accessible institutions" was organized on November 5, 2021, as the final event of the project "EU for accessible public facilities", funded by the European Union. The event brought together representatives of national institutions, the non-governmental sector and representatives of local governments, and was dedicated to topics related to accessibility policies and improving the position of persons with disabilities and the processes of building an inclusive society.

"One society is as rich as it manages to integrate all its citizens into everyday life. This means that people with disabilities can access services provided by all institutions, whether they are public or institutions of sports or culture. This also means that citizens can exercise all their rights. Projects such as this one are important 380 people have now been educated on accessibility, while legal analysis and a guide for accessibility have been made. These results should serve as a solid foundation on which to develop practical accessibility and integration. Much has been done in this area in Serbia, but at the same time a lot needs to be done to significantly improve accessibility - from systemic solutions and legislation to the effective implementation of control mechanisms, and the EU will continue to provide support in this. As we can see through our partnership with the Paralympic Committee - people with disabilities enrich us a lot, and therefore it is our obligation and privilege to integrate them and enable their full contribution to society, "said Mateja Norcic Stamcar, Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia.

"The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, within its competencies, is doing everything to make the everyday life of people with disabilities easier and better. The activities of the ministry are primarily aimed at improving the accessibility of public facilities in local self-governments in order to improve the living conditions of people with disabilities, "said Tomislav Momirović, Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure.

Estimates of international studies show that more than 40% of the world's population has pronounced needs in terms of accessibility of public facilities, public transport, information, products or services. Accessibility and Design for All are regulated by laws and bylaws of the Republic of Serbia, and the provisions of international documents, primarily the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, have been introduced into domestic legislation.

"The ministry works every day to increase the awareness of individuals about the rights and needs of people with disabilities. Only a society in which all citizens have equal opportunities and access to all rights can thrive and be prosperous. In the past period, the Ministry has directed significant funds towards overcoming barriers, so that all unadapted public areas, from curbs, entrances to buildings, can be adjusted and made accessible to all citizens of Serbia. With the financial support of the Ministry, in the previous period, over 100 ramps were installed in more than 40 local governments, and after several decades of existence and work, for the first time since its establishment, numerous facilities became accessible to people with disabilities, such as the Ilija M. Endowment. Kolarac, Belgrade Fair, branches of the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund, municipalities, health centers, educational and preschool institutions, "said Prof. Ph.D. Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs.

"Persons with disabilities in the Republic of Serbia represent one of the most endangered groups in all areas of social life, which is confirmed by the Commissioner's work, i.e. the number of complaints that the Commissioner for Equality Protection received due to discrimination based on disability," said the Commissioner Brankica Jankovic. "Accessibility stands out as the most common obstacle, because disabling the movement or access to facilities and surfaces, as well as information and communication, practically prevents the exercise of other rights of persons with disabilities. The Commissioner continuously warns about all that through regular annual reports, announcements and warnings, but also through specific recommendations of measures for achieving equality. The fact is that full accessibility is not easy to achieve, but it is necessary for them to be constantly at the top of priorities and for facilities in public use to be accessible as soon as possible, especially health centers, schools, centers for social work, courts, "said Jankovic.

The conference was a platform for pointing out the possibilities and good practices for the application and control of the application of accessibility measures on the buildings of public institutions, taking into account the regulations in the Republic of Serbia, but also relevant international documents and EU practice. Since one of the goals of the project was to improve the knowledge, skills and raise awareness of local governments, civil society organizations, and engineers about the importance of improving the accessibility of public institutions, in the previous period, over 380 participants passed the different levels of educational seminars, a thorough analysis of the legal framework that regulates this area and “Accessibility guide” have been prepared. 

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13