The Project "O-dva-ja-mo" has started in Lučani and Guča

The municipality of Lucani has started the implementation of the Project for Household Waste Separation "O-DVA-JA-MO", which was initiated by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia, with the support of the European Union and the Kingdom of Sweden. The project aims to establish a system for waste separation at the point of origin in 17 municipalities of Serbia by investing in equipment and informing citizens about the advantages of separating household waste, for its later successful recycling and reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.

The project was officially promoted on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at noon on the plateau in front of the Cultural Centre in Lučani and then on Friday 28 October 2022 at the same time in front of the Cultural Centre in Guča where the long-term goals of this project for the municipality were presented. The fellow citizens were able to get information about the project that is starting to be implemented in the municipality of Lučani, as well as ways to get involved in the activities in the coming period and help preserve the environment.

"At this stage, we received certain funds, specifically one truck for waste removal, we received 1,350 bins for individual households and 85 containers for the collection of that selected waste, which we will distribute in the residential areas of Lučani and Guča." The problem is especially big in the rural area, where unscrupulous citizens throw municipal waste, plastic packaging, bags, glass packaging in canals by the side of the road - an ugly image is in our municipality, so we expect that in this way, when we allocate bins and containers, the dry waste will end up in the right place because it will be recycled. In this way, we strive to influence the protection of the environment in our surroundings." - said the director of PUK "Komunalac" Lučani, Mr. Zoran Vučićević.

"In the coming days, in agreement with PUK “Komunalac”, the signing of the contract and distribution of the aforementioned donation to households will begin. We have an obligation to our citizens to carry out primary selection of waste and we hope that in the next three to four years we will reduce the amount of waste on the streets and roads in the municipality of Lučani itself and that somewhere up to 15% of that waste will go to primary selection and recycling." - communicated Mr. Milija Milenković, assistant to the president of the Lučani municipality.

The Project for Household Waste Separation "O-dva-ja-mo" is being implemented in 17 municipalities in Serbia, which will improve their waste management system through this project, and through the investments of the European Union, the Embassy of Sweden and the Ministry of Environmental Protection, 26 waste collection vehicles, over 90,000 bins and containers, as well as public opinion research and public information campaigns. 

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13