The European Union supports housing and active inclusion of vulnerable groups in Ljubovia with 430,000 euros

The project in Ljubovija envisages the provision of sustainable housing solutions and active inclusion measures for persons with disabilities, women victims of domestic violence, and Roma

As part of the "EU Support for Social Housing and Active Inclusion" (EU SHAI) programme, 27 beneficiaries in Ljubovija received today laptop and tablet computers, sewing machines, and agricultural equipment that will help them in education, improving employability, employment, and self-employment.

This is one of the activities of the project "Better life for all citizens of Ljubovija", which is implemented by the municipality of Ljubovija together with the Center for Social Work of Ljubovija and the Women's Association "Vila", with the financial support of the European Union in the amount of 436,000 euros, intended for housing support and active inclusion measures for 23 families. This project includes the construction of 14 housing units, and the reconstruction of nine houses while providing support for active inclusion for vulnerable social groups: persons with disabilities, members of the Roma national minority, and women victims of domestic violence.

"I am happy that together with our friends from the European Union, through this project, we will enable a better life for the citizens of Ljubovija from vulnerable groups. In addition to housing solutions, we also provided equipment for work, which will contribute to their inclusion in the community, so that even after the completion of the project, they can provide themselves with means of living", said the president of the municipality of Ljubovija, Milan Jovanović.

Beneficiary families were selected in accordance with the criteria of two public calls of the municipality of Ljubovija, and each of them, apart from housing support, also receives support through various measures of active inclusion in accordance with the assessed needs.

"Through this project, we provide support for social housing and active inclusion for the most vulnerable groups, who will be able to get a job and education more easily with the equipment they received. I hope that I will come to Ljubovija again soon, and witness the moving of families into their new homes", said the head of the first sector of operations of the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Serbia, Elvira Maria Angulo Rodríguez.

The construction of 14 residential units in the Uzovnica settlement is coming to an end, while the reconstruction of nine houses is also underway, and the works were visited today by the president of the municipality of Ljubovija and the head of the 1st sector of operations of the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Serbia.

The programme "European Union Support for Social Housing and Active Inclusion" is financed by the European Union with 27 million euros and is implemented by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in partnership with the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs issues, and in cooperation with the Ministry for European Integration.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13