Support to defining the Council's obligations towards public policy documents for the judiciary

Bearing in mind the numerous obligations of the Council towards the negotiating process with the EU under Chapter 23 on the one hand, and the obligations under strategic documents in the judicial sector on the other, the Project listed all the obligations in September 2019, in a document under the title of An Overview of the Council's Obligations Regarding the Key Public Policy Documents (available also in English) and submitted it to the Council.

The document is an overview of the Council's obligations towards the Action Plan for Chapter 23 and Draft Strategy for Development of the Judiciary. In a consolidated way and wherever possible, it presents the Council's obligations in the comparative context, so it is visible in which areas they are very similar and, thus, can be undertaken as a simultaneous set of activities by the Council. The document also constitutes a useful planning tool for the Council's activities, as well as for their implementation towards the relevant authorities.

Also, in the comparative overview of the Council's obligations, there is an overview of the Project activities, in order to unequivocally inform the Council in which areas of its scope, regarding the said public policy documents in the judicial sector, it can expect the Project's support. 

Last updated: March 13, 2025, 15:05