Strategic Plans for Development of Preschool Education

With the support of the project, in all 50 local self-governments involved in the SUPER project strategic plans for development of the preschool education are under development, which will be publicly discussed after consultation with all stakeholders in local communities.

The first Strategy for the development of preschool education was adopted in the municipality of Bajina Basta. The representatives of the municipality, preschool institution, Center for social work, Health center and Association of children with disabilities and their parents were involved in the process of drafting of the Strategy.

As stated in this document, "the Strategy for improvement of the preschool education is adopted for the first time in the municipality of Bajina Basta and refers to the period 2020-2024, it will stimulate positive changes in the municipality of Bajina Basta in the field of preschool education that would meet needs of preschool children."

Continuous support is provided online by the project experts to all LSGs whose representatives are working intensively on the development of strategies, action plans and harmonization of the Act on the network of public preschool institutions, a document that promotes equal rights and access to preschool education for all children, with special emphasis on children from vulnerable social groups.

The goal is for 70% of children to be involved in preschool education by 2025 in accordance with the National Millennium Development Goals in Serbia, needs of families for programs as well as respect for specific of local traditions and areas in which they live.

During drafting of strategic plans, a great challenge to LSGs was to collect number of children who need to be included in preschool. Strategic plans for development of preschool education are developed locally to further enhance and develop preschool education with an inclusive approach, parental involvement and wider availability of quality preschool education.

Important support was provided to LSGs teams for planning and management of preschool education, and better cooperation was enabled for all actors at the local level who deal with improvement and development of preschool education. In that sense, consultative meetings were organized attended by representatives of working groups of LSGs dealing with the improvement and development of preschool education involved in the SUPER project, in February 2020 at the EUIC in Belgrade and the Regional Center for Professional Development in Nis.

During the COVID-19 epidemic and continuation of unfavourable epidemiological situation, all planned project activities are harmonized with the recommendations and decisions of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09