Speed dating with Europe

The first “speed dating” session with Europe, a series of events designed for young people, will be held in Belgrade on Wednesday, 13 December 2023.

The event "Speed dating with Europe" is organised by the project "Pulse of Europe - Media Trips to EU", which has supported journalists from 33 Serbian media outlets to report, through media visits, from 19 European Union countries.

What is the "pulse of Europe" today, how do citizens of European countries live and work, and what are examples of the best European practices? The answers to these questions were investigated jointly by the project "Pulse of Europe” and journalists who participated in media trips. Through their media reports, journalists informed Serbian citizens and brought them  closer how the EU countries resolved the challenges in various sectors that Serbia is facing today - from environmental protection to the fight against corruption.

In order to bring this knowledge closer to young people, the project organises "Speed dating with Europe" event.

At the event, a panel discussion will first be held on how young people in Serbia are informed in general and about European topics, and it will be followed by a speed dating session. During the session, it will be possible for journalists to talk with journalists about the most important findings and data gathered in six EU countries: the Netherlands, Italy, France, Portugal, Romania and Sweden. The event is being organised in the cooperation with the EU Info Centre Belgrade,

The next speed dating session with Europe, planned for January and February 2024, will include other EU countries from which domestic journalists reported.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09