Q&A - Open Call for Proposals for Provision of Technical Assistance to LSGs in Development or Revision of Local Housing Strategies

1. Is it stated anywhere if the applicant should secure the contribution for the projects and what are the maximum and minimum budget amounts (with or without VAT) for a project, ie. should the budget be presented (since I do not see a possibility, nor is there a form)?

Bearing in mind the nature of this Call for Proposal (provision of direct technical assistance to the selected local self-governments), it is not envisaged to submit a budget, nor is there applicant’s contribution required. 
However, as stated in section 6.2.2. of the CfP Guidelines, it is desirable that the LSG allocates certain funds in the budget for the development/revision of the local housing strategy, which is needed e.g. to conduct specific analyses; for the consultation process with relevant stakeholders; for per diems for the members of the working group; for a public hearing with the local community; for other relevant activities. The applicant  LSGs that allocate funds in the budget for the activities related to the development/revision of the local housing strategy should submit a copy of the extract from the municipal budget with a marked exact budget line which will be used. 
Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13