Public administration reform in the media

The success of public administration reform depends to a large extent on how much the citizens are familiar with the activities being carried out and their results. Therefore, in 2020, under the auspices of the EU for PAR Visibility and Communication project, and in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, a continuous media campaign called "Public Administration Reform is..." was launched.

In cooperation with a number of national and local media, special articles, reports and interviews were prepared covering various aspects of the public administration reform, bringing citizens the most important information about the activities within the reform and the results that should contribute to more efficient work of public administration and better services provided to citizens and businesses in Serbia.

In addition to topics from the scope of work of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, the campaign covered topics from the domain of other institutions involved in the PAR process.

This was particularly important during 2020 and the onset of COVID-19 pandemic, when media reports presented citizens with information about new services that were introduced as part of the public administration's response to the pandemic situation. 

During 2020 and 2021, the media featured:

  • 38 programs on national TV stations 
  • 51 articles in print editions of daily newspapers
  • 64 articles in online media
  • 25 agency articles
  • 464 features in the local media (TV stations and internet portals)

The campaign continued in 2022.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13