Preparation for the implementation of the Integrated Tariff Management System

The project team of the "EU Public Finance Management (PFM) Facility" organised technical meetings with international consultants and customs officers in the Serbian Customs Administration (SCA) in Belgrade, to assist the SCA to prepare for the implementation of the Integrated Tariff Management System (ITMS). This system, among others, helps manage tariffs affairs on imported and exported goods.

To harmonise future integration of different systems, and ensure interoperability with the ITMS system -  representatives of all SCA on-going projects joined international consultants and customs officers for the meetings. This was the opportunity for customs officers to broaden their understanding on the EU tariff system and receive advice on the best practices across the EU, which are relevant and could be implemented in Serbia. Crucial challenges with the ITMS implementation have been identified, as well as possible solutions. The full digitalisation and automatization of all main customs systems is expected in the next few years.

The development of this system and harmonising with EU requirements are important steps in bringing Serbia closer to the EU market and the Customs Union.
In addition to assisting the implementation of the ITMS, the PFM Facility will help procure software and hardware for the Serbian Customs Administration, increasing the efficiency of customs officers and decreasing the processing time. The establishment of EU Customs Tariff (TARIC) and ITMS will benefit not just the SCA, but also the business operators in Serbia: It will give a clear overview of steps to be taken when importing and exporting goods from/to the EU and the rest of the world. Overall, implementing an integrated tariff management system is crucial for enhancing trade facilitation, revenue collection, regulatory compliance, and overall economic competitiveness in today's globalised economy.

The “EU Public Finance Management Facility” Project is funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP, in partnership with the Center for Excellence in Finance (CEF) and the Slovak Ministry of Finance.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09