Multi-stage Public Procurement Procedures and Submission of E-Request for Protection of Rights on the new Public Procurement Portal

Belgrade, September 27, 2019 – The new Public Procurement Law comes with an important new element – submission of electronic requests for protection of rights. The participants of the Public Procurement Workshop from the Public Procurement Office and the Republic Commission for Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures successfully learned more about these and other functionalities of the new Public Procurement Portal.

Through lectures and practical exercises, the participants had the opportunity to see how the new public procurement portal looks and functions.

The Public Procurement Portal supports, besides open procedure, also multi-stage public procurement procedures including negotiated procedures without publication of a contract notice in accordance with the new Public Procurement Law. In addition, award of contracts based on the concluded framework agreements by applying the procedure of reopening competition is supported by the new Public Procurement Portal. Lastly, one of the novelties is the possibility to conduct dynamic purchasing system on the Portal.

The Portal supports the entire process of electronic submission of requests for protection of rights in accordance with the new law and the participants of the workshop from the Office and the Commission were able to get familiar with this process through a practical exercise.

The practical exercises were also held on the topic of framework agreements with more bidders and reopening of competition in framework agreements, and there was also a demonstration of the restricted public procurement procedure, on how to prepare, submit, open and assess applications in the first phase, and tenders in the second phase of this procedure.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13