Mobile Team for Roma inclusion formed in Negotin

In order to enhance  the position and for the purpose of improved inclusion of the Roma in the socio-economic life of the local community, the Municipality of Negotin has formed a Mobile Team for Roma Inclusion with the support of the Project “EU Support to Improvement of Living Conditions of Roma”. At the beginning of July 2020, a municipal decision was made to establish this expert advisory body, which will work on improving intersectoral cooperation at the local level, in order to ensure better access to services and easier realization of the rights of Roma living in the municipality. The Mobile Team includes representatives of the municipal administration, the municipal council, the Center for Social Work, educational institutions, the health center, the local branch of the National Employment Service, as well as the civil sector.

The Mobile Team for Social Inclusion of Roma will be engaged in process of preparation and implementation of the Local Action Plan for Social Inclusion of Roma (LAP), will be in charge of research of the needs and collecting data on the Roma community in the municipality, as well as exchanging information important for improvement of position of the Roma population. A number of such planned activities will lead to the improvement of the exercise of rights of Roma and increase of social inclusion of Roma in all priority areas. In the coming period, the Project will continue to support and empower members of the Mobile Team through various trainings, while the Team can expect full support from the Project during data collection and during the development of the LAP.

In addition to working on establishing an institutional and strategic framework for the inclusion of Roma at the local level, the Project continues to cooperate with the Negotin team in the preparation of urban projects and technical documentation for social housing and communal infrastructure. In accordance with the priority needs for housing, the Project team will prepare technical documentation for the construction of social housing facilities for over 30 families, as well as documentation for about 6 kilometers of streets and communal infrastructure.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13