Kragujevac as an Example of Best Practice in Implementation of Projects Supported by the European Union through EU PRO Programme

“Projects implemented in Kragujevac are a true example of the benefits of European integrations for Serbian citizens,” said Christos Makridis, Deputy Head of Serbia Desk, European Commission Directorate General for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement (DG NEAR) during his visit to Kragujevac.

Together with Deputy Mayor Ivica Momčilović, Mr. Makridis visited the outdoor courts in the Great Park in Kragujevac, renovated using EU funds in the amount of 175,000 Euros. The reconstruction, which included a new basketball court, seating galleries, fences, and the purchase of equipment, is now in its final stages.

“We are happy to see that now this playground, which is the spirit of the town, the place where many generations grew, has a new face for new generations to come here, socialize and play sports. This is one of four projects implemented by the Town of Kragujevac together with the European Union, which is now complete and will open its gates to our citizens in a few days, when all the paperwork is finalized,” said Deputy Mayor, Ivica Momčilović.

Further three projects are implemented in Kragujevac, in the amount of 1.2 million Euros – revitalisation and extension of the industrial zone, development of technical documentation for the bridge over Lepenica river, and the project for the development of the geographic information system. The town co-funded these investments with 15 percent of the total donation.

“The European Union is supporting micro and small enterprises in Serbia, and I would like to call all entrepreneurs who wish to purchase new equipment and create jobs, to take the opportunity and apply for the second EU PRO Call for Proposals for support to micro and small enterprises. These are not large sums, but they can yield great results,” said Makridis. This call, open until 10 November, with a budget of 2.5 million EUR, is open to enterprises for production, registered in the period 2014-2018, on the territory of one of the 99 local self-governments in EU PRO Programme Area. More information about the CfP can be found at EU PRO website,

In Kragujevac, Makridis also visited two out of 106 enterprises supported through the first EU PRO CfP in 2018.

CT Media Textile Printing enterprise producing occupational protective clothing received a grant that will be used to purchase machines and equipment to make polo shirts. This support will enable the company to expand its product range, and keep the achieved level of quality, resulting in the creation of two, followed by additional three new jobs.

Another company visited by the European official, Sanum per Fructus, is processing and selling honey and honey products, and with EU support they purchased machines for homogenizing, pouring and filling honey containers, which will increase their capacities four times, while creating two new jobs.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13