You are on vacation, arriving in an unknown city and you do not have to think how to get the key of the accommodation you are renting. Team of engineers at company Mecatronics and more from Novi Sad, with the financial support of the European Union, developed an innovative “Knock Knock” smart lock solution, which enables you to easily, securely and reliably unlock doors using a mobile phone and IoT technology.

The “Knock Knock” innovative solution is intended for travelers and accommodation owners to exchange keys more easily. The advantage of modern technology of the latest generation in mobile communications is that the facility owner at any time has an insight into the use of the facility and the ability to allow access for a certain period of time. With the help of the installed application, the owner can send a digital key that lasts for a certain period of time, to the user of the facility and provide him access and discretion during use. Also, in the age of the global pandemic, contactless key retrieval makes even more sense.

The device does not require electrical or communication infrastructure, does not require WIFI, no technical knowledge or additional hardware. Everything that is necessary is inside the device. The only thing that is needed outside of it is a mobile phone, an installed application and network coverage of the mobile operator. Installation of the lock is also possible in conditions where the signal is extremely weak, (rural areas, basements, etc.). The design of the smart lock is adapted to maximum safety and low energy consumption, which enables the use of one set of batteries for several months.

The key advantage of this device is that it allows a completely uninformed end- user to turn an ordinary lock into a smart lock in 3-5 minutes with the help of one hex key.

Highly advanced technology, which is the core innovation of this device, allows the owner to notified burglary, forcible opening, banging, or any awkward situation at real time. The device uses an encrypted connection to the mobile network and does not require any other type of connection.

"We managed to develop two hardware prototypes, improved mechanical and electronic parts. We are currently working on a final, zero version that will go into series production. The plan is to get the first pilot version of 100 users and start testing customer satisfaction", said Goran Knežević, director of Mecatronics and more.

Direct Grant Agreement - Development of new products and services by SMEs through the commercialization of research, signed between the Innovation Fund and the Ministry of Finance (Sector for Contracting and Financing Programs from European Union Funds), provides funds for continued implementation of the Early Development Program and the Co-financing Innovation Program. The total value of the Direct Grant Agreement is 4.5 million euros, of which 2.5 million euros are financed from the European Union Pre-Accession Funds for 2014, while 2 million euros are provided from the budget of the Republic of Serbia, from the Ministry of education, science and technological development. You can find out more about the project at:  www.inovacionifond.rs

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13