Judges successfully completed ToT on disciplinary responsibility

The Project organised, supported by the Council and the Judicial Academy, separate two-session trainings for the members of the disciplinary bodies who will be further providing training on disciplinary responsibility to their colleagues. Investing resources in the improvement of the capacities of the permanent bodies of the Council is yet another form of its building its overall capacities.

Eleven judges completed the ToT with success and thus demonstrated readiness to assume a new role and become trainers in the said field. The workshops helped the judges to put their vast knowledge and experience gained while working as members of the disciplinary bodies in the appropriate form to be used in trainings, which in line with adult education principles means that they were trained to use interactive methods, case studies and practical case simulations. The participants assessed that such an approach is very important and that the knowledge gained in this way may be of great help in everyday work.

The future trainers gave the training high grades, while the comments made by the participants show that the used methodology which implied interaction with the participants and active practical work, was key to its success and knowledge transmission.

The sessions were held on August 28, 2019 and 29, 2019 in Vrdnik and on September 7, 2019 in Belgrade.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13