Israel's startup ecosystem is a good example for other countries

Israel is a country that is relatively poor when it comes to natural resources, and the economy of this country depends on imports of oil, wheat, raw materials… On the other hand, this country is only 70 years old with just over 7 million inhabitants, second in number a startup company, just behind the United States. The most developed sectors of this country today are technology and industrial production.

These are just some of the reasons why Israel was chosen as the country for the study visit organized from May 28 to June 2, 2022 within the project "EU Support to Science and Technology Park Belgrade for Services to Innovative Companies", funded by the European Union. During the six-day visit, nine representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the Science and Technology Park Belgrade had the opportunity to meet with representatives of the Startup National Center, faculty representatives, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Cyber Directorate, and startup companies and learn  first-hand how Israel supports the development of startup ecosystems, helps establish cooperation between educational institutions and startup companies in order to transfer technology and promotes cooperation between companies, educational and government institutions with startup companies.

The study visit was organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel and the Representative Office of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Israel.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13